Apostrophe Worksheets - Contractions

Free apostrophe worksheets to help your students work on contractions in English. Contractions are an important part of writing and can be seen all the time. It’s vital that students understand how to identify contractions and to use apostrophes to make contractions. Use these free apostrophe worksheets to give your students the practice they need. These worksheets work on writing contractions, breaking them apart and identifying missing apostrophes within contractions. Click on the contraction worksheets below to download. 

Contraction Worksheets

These worksheets have students using apostrophes to write contractions. The key with contractions is repetition. Get your students doing these daily during your English lessons. 

Contraction Worksheets

These worksheets have students taking contractions and breaking them apart. It’s important for children to be able to break apart contractions because then they’re able to identify the difference between contractions and possessive apostrophes. From there, they’ll make less mistakes when working with apostrophes, which is the ultimate goal!

Contraction Worksheets

These apostrophe worksheets have your students identifying missing apostrophes within contractions. This can be challenging for students because they can get side tracked with possessive apostrophes or plurals. Use these worksheets during your English lessons.

More Apostrophe Worksheets


Editing Apostrophes

Need more apostrophe worksheets? Check out K12 Reader. They have more worksheets to help your students with this English concept.